Grand Canyon

Colorado River

The Grand Can­yon, an impres­si­ve natu­ral won­der in Ari­zo­na, USA, stret­ches over 446 kilo­me­t­res in length and rea­ches depths of over 1,800 met­res. For­med by the Colo­ra­do River over mil­li­ons of years, it offers breath­ta­king views, geo­lo­gi­cal diver­si­ty and fasci­na­ting rock for­ma­ti­ons. The natio­nal park attracts mil­li­ons of visi­tors every year who come to hike, camp and expe­ri­ence the uni­que beau­ty of this world-famous canyon.

Exciting … ! 

Grand Canyon, Arizona, Guano Point, Colorado River, Helicopter
Helicopter flights

Spek­ta­ku­lär geht’s mit
dem Hub­schrau­ber durch den Grand Canyon …

Auch berg­bau­tech­nisch hat man ver­sucht, den Grand Can­yon zu erschließen …

Grand Canyon, Arizona, Guano Point, Colorado River, Mine, Seilbahn

Grand Canyon — natural wonder

The Grand Can­yon is loca­ted in nor­t­hern Ari­zo­na, USA, and stret­ches over a length of 446 kilo­me­t­res. This impres­si­ve natu­ral won­der was main­ly for­med by the ero­si­on of the Colo­ra­do River over mil­li­ons of years. The can­yon offers a fasci­na­ting insight into the histo­ry of the earth, as it has expo­sed various lay­ers of rock that are up to two bil­li­on years old.

The oldest lay­ers, the Vish­nu shales, lie at the base of the can­yon and are the remains of an anci­ent seabed. Abo­ve them are the light-colou­red lay­ers of Tapeats Sand­stone, which were for­med around 545 mil­li­on years ago. Other important lay­ers are the Red­wall Lime­s­tone, which gives the can­yon its cha­rac­te­ristic red colour, and the Kai­bab Lime­s­tone, which forms the upper lay­er and was for­med around 270 mil­li­on years ago.

In addi­ti­on to its geo­lo­gi­cal signi­fi­can­ce, the Grand Can­yon offers num­e­rous lei­su­re acti­vi­ties for visi­tors. Hiking enthu­si­asts can explo­re the can­yon on various trails, such as the popu­lar Bright Angel Trail or the more chal­len­ging South Kai­bab Trail. The­se trails offer breath­ta­king views and some lead all the way down to the Colo­ra­do River. For tho­se who pre­fer less stre­nuous acti­vi­ties, heli­c­op­ter or aero­pla­ne tours offer spec­ta­cu­lar views of the canyon.

Cam­ping is also a popu­lar acti­vi­ty in the Grand Can­yon. The­re are seve­ral camp­si­tes both on the rim and insi­de the can­yon. The Mather Camp­ground on the South Rim is par­ti­cu­lar­ly well equip­ped and easi­ly acces­si­ble. For the more adven­tur­ous, the­re is the opti­on of cam­ping along the Colo­ra­do River, alt­hough a per­mit is required.

Raf­ting on the Colo­ra­do River is ano­ther exci­ting way to expe­ri­ence the Grand Can­yon. Various tour ope­ra­tors offer raf­ting expe­di­ti­ons that can last from one day to two weeks. The­se tours allow par­ti­ci­pan­ts to enjoy the wil­der­ness and beau­ty of the can­yon from a uni­que perspective.

The Grand Can­yon also offers num­e­rous view­points, such as Mather Point and Yava­pai Obser­va­ti­on Sta­ti­on, from which visi­tors can sur­vey the vast­ness and sple­ndour of the can­yon. In addi­ti­on, the­re are infor­ma­ti­ve visi­tor cen­tres and muse­ums that offer insights into the histo­ry, geo­lo­gy and eco­lo­gy of the canyon.

Over­all, the Grand Can­yon is a ver­sa­ti­le desti­na­ti­on that offers unfor­gettable expe­ri­en­ces for natu­re lovers and adven­ture see­kers alike.

Ein unver­gess­li­ches Rei­se­ziel — der Grand Can­yon in Ari­zo­na bie­tet beein­dru­cken­de geo­lo­gi­sche Schich­ten, Wan­der­we­ge, Cam­ping, Raf­ting und Aus­sichts­punk­te. Erle­ben Sie die atem­be­rau­ben­de Natur und viel­fäl­ti­ge Freizeitmöglichkeiten.








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